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Inclusive Education Canada provides access to information for parents, educators, policy makers, academics and researchers. Here you will find articles, presentations, reports, briefs, guides and other resources about inclusive education.

We welcome submissions for consideration. Please contact: inclusiveeducation@cacl.ca.


2022. Glenys Mann et al. Closing special schools: lessons from Canada.

2019. Jillian Ball, Sharon Penney, Gabrielle Young, Greg Harris, and Rhonda Joy. Teacher Readiness: Teacher attitudes, opinions, and perspectives towards facilitating positive mental health in the classroom.

2019. Gabrielle Young, PhD; Kimberly Maich, PhD; Sharon Penney, PhD; David Philpott, EdD; & Emily Butler, MEd. Understanding how Quality Early Child Education helps to prevent Special Educational Needs in Children.

2018. La universidad debe trabajar en la integración de los estudiantes con discapacidad. Spain.

2018. Donna Barrett. Determination and Partnerships: Keys to successful inclusion for secondary students. Inclusive Education Canada, Education Watch.

2017. Transforming Educational Systems – Lessons from New Brunswick. Inclusion Now. The Alliance for Inclusive Education, UK.

2016. Jody Carr. A Conceptual and Legal Framework for Inclusive Education. ARCH Disability Law Center.

2015. Kim Southern-Paulsen. No question, inclusive education matters! Inclusive Education Canada, Education Watch.

2015. Patty Brintnell. Coaching & Inclusion. Inclusive Education Canada, Education Watch.

2015. John Valk. Inclusion and the Nature of the Human: A Canadian Perspective. International Congress of Heilpadagogik, Berlin.

2015. William Brown and Audrey Cole. Looking back at special education 1982 style.

2014. Chris Gilham and W. John Williamson. Inclusion’s confusion in Alberta. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

2014. David Jory. The New Brunswick Inclusive Education Policy; lessons learned on the way here, what helped get us here, and a possible solution to a major Canadian problem.

2014. Gordon Porter. A recipe for successful inclusive education: three key ingredients revealed. Portuguese journal – Interaccoes.

2014. John Valk and Anne-Dore Stein. Worldviews and Inclusive Education: Three Ontological Positions. University of Heidelberg.

2014. S. Anthony Thompsona, W. Lyonsa and V. Timmonsa. Inclusive education policy: what the leadership of Canadian teacher associations has to say about it. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

2013. Gordon Porter. A Silver Bullet? Will the Moore vs. B.C. Case Assure Inclusion? Inclusive Education Canada.

2013. Roberto Lattanzio and Laurie Lutheran. Arch Disability Law Centre Legal Counsel for Intervener.

2013. S. Tétreault, A. Freeman, M. Carrière, P. Beaupré, H. Gascon and P. Marier Deschênes. Understanding the parents of children with special needs: collaboration between health, social and education networks. Child: Care, Health, and Development. Child: care, health and development.

2011. Gordon Porter. Is Inclusive Education realistic? You bet it is! Community Living Ontario.

2011. Gordon Porter. Are we stargazing? Canadian Education Association.

2010. Kerri Joffe and Roberto Lattanzio. Inclusive education: Opportunities for re-design. Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education (CAPSLE) Conference.

2009. Sheila Bennett. Including students with exceptionalities. What Works? Research into Practice.

2008. Community Living Ontario. Discussion of Philip Burge article perception on inclusive education in Ontario.

Anne Kresta. Class size and composition. Community Living Manitoba.

Inclusive Education Canada. Segregated schools for students with intellectual disabilities.

Jeffrey MacCormack and Gabrielle Young. Using Universal Design to Support Technology Integration.


Si l’inclusion signife tout le monde, pourquoi pas moi? (2018) (FR)

If Inclusion Means Everyone, Why Not Me? (2018)

A Window into the Accessibility of Manitoba’s Education Systems: From Early Learning and Childcare, through Nursery/Kindergarten to Grade 12 and into Post-Secondary (Executive Summary) (2018)

A Window into the Accessibility of Manitoba’s Education Systems: From Early Learning and Childcare, through Nursery/Kindergarten to Grade 12 and into Post-Secondary (Full Report) (2018)

Guidelines for Inclusive Schooling: Supporting the Northwest Territories Ministerial Directive on Inclusive Schooling (2016)

A case for inclusive education

Brief on systemic barriers to implementing inclusive education in New Brunswick

Consultation on the status of inclusive education in Prince Edward Island

New Brunswick Association for Community Living: Definitions of inclusive education

Position paper on the roles and responsibilities of teacher assistants within an inclusive education system

Intersection of disability, achievement and equity

The delivery of education services for students who have an intellectual disability in the province of Ontario

The roles and responsibilities of teacher assistants within an inclusive education system

Roles and responsibilities of educational assistants in Ontario schools: Implications for practice

Special Education – A People for Education Report

UNESCO – Global Education Monitoring Report. Accountability in Education: Meeting our Commitments

UNESCO – A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education (2017)

UNESCO – Global Education Monitoring Report. Education for people and planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All (2016)

UNESCO – Understanding and responding to children’s needs in inclusive classrooms: A guide for teachers


Alice Bender: Inclusion from the heart.

Michael Bach: What prospects for a movement for inclusive education? The New Brunswick Professional Development Conference on Inclusive Education. 2006.