On October 28, IEC hosted the first in a series of webinars featuring the work and expertise of IEC Associates. This Fall 2020 webinar, entitled “Inclusive Schooling in a Pandemic,” provide expert perspectives on the unique challenges of inclusive education in the COVID-19 era. The follow Associates discusses ideas on safe use of personal protocols, partial attendance, distance learning, and more:
- Dr. Kathryn Underwood, Professor, Faculty of Community Services, School of Early Childhood Studies, Ryerson University
- Dr. Lesley Eblie Trudel, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Winnipeg
- Dr. Gabrielle Young, Assistant Professor, Education, Memorial University
Panelists were joined by Robin Acton, President of Inclusion Canada, who moderate the discussion and Q&A period that followed the presentations.
Presentation Materials can be found for download below:
Inclusive Education in a Pandemic, Dr. Kathryn Underwood
Inclusive Schooling in a Pandemic, Dr. Lesley Eblie Trudel & Supporting Document: Guidance on Supporting Students Who Require Interventions or Supports that Must Be Delivered in Close Proximity
Listening to Students: Recommendations for Online Learning, Dr. Gabrielle Young
Please note: the recorded audio of the webinar will be available on this page shortly.