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Transition from School to Community: Top Ten Questions

TransitionTopTenWhat questions should a parent ask when their son/daughter is about to transition from school to community?

This a question on the minds of many parents as schooling comes to an end. Anne Kresta from Winnipeg has prepared a list. Here are some questions that are top priorities when planning for a transition from school to the community as an adult.

  1. When should planning begin?
  2. Who should be involved?
  3. How can we support our son/daughter through this process and into adulthood?
  4. What do we, as parents, need to do?
  5. What are some of the options that are out there for our consideration?
  6. What is my son/daughter eligible for in terms of support from different service providers when they become an adult?
  7. Who makes the decision about which pathway to graduation my son/daughter will take?
  8. How long can my son/daughter remain within the education system receiving their supports?
  9. How can we, as parents, make sure that our son/daughter remains a part of their community once they graduate?
  10. Who is responsible for planning the transition from school to the community?