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Director of Inclusive Education Canada Speaks at UN HRC

GLP_3113Gordon L. Porter, Director of Inclusive Education Canada, was one of 4 panelists offering expert commentary to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva at a session focused on inclusive education on March 19, 2014.

Maurizio Enrico Serra, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) and Vice-President of the Human Rights Council, addresses the twenty-fifth session of the Human Rights Council during its annual interactive discussion on the rights of persons with disabilities. This year’s meeting focuses on the issue of inclusive education.

Gordon Porter who serves as a Senior Advisor of the Ministry of Education of New Brunswick, Canada, addressed the twenty-fifth session of the Human Rights Council during its annual interactive discussion on the rights of persons with disabilities. This year’s meeting focuses on the issue of inclusive education.583247-2

Porter commented on the development of inclusive education in Canada with specific reference to the experience in New Brunswick during the last 30 years.

Maria Magdalena Orlando, Independent Expert, Argentina, also addressed the session.

Video recorded of the session can be seen here – Gordon Porter starts his statement at minute 38 of the session.