Hon. Jody Carr, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, has emphasized the need for New Brunswick schools to improve student learning and do so in an inclusive context.
“We need to increase student success in learning in our province,” Carr said, “and we need to build on the 25 year effort to make our schools inclusive so every child benefits from our efforts.”
The Department of EECD has called on the expertise of Michael Fullan, the retired Dean of Education at the University of Toronto to suggest strategies to make change happen for school improvement.
New Brunswick experts, Gordon Porter and Angèla AuCoin have provided the stimulus for connecting school improvement to inclusive practices. Fullan, Porter and AuCoin have been part of leadership training with educational leaders in the province in June 2011 and again in June 2012.
“I am very pleased that senior officials in the Ministry and in our seven school districts are able to work with these three experts,” Carr stated. “I look forward to the positive differences we can make for our teachers and students.”